Half the world away

“I would like to leave this city This old town don’t smell too pretty and I can feel the warning signs running around my mind And when I leave this island I’ll book myself into a soul asylum ‘Cause I can feel the warning signs […]

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New Year, New Lists…

So, it been a while since I posted.  I really don’t know where the time goes.  And is Christmas really over? People still have Christmas trees up.  I for one had mine down before January 6th.  I don’t feel bad as my friend took hers […]

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Trick or Treat..

So, its nearly Halloween time again and guess what? Christmas products are everywhere to be seen already. OMG.  Far too early for me.  But the other side of it is, its time to get organised or start to think about the white-bearded man…. SANTA.  I […]

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Summer fun…

I was worried when I collected the kids from their last day of school at the end of June, what the hell do I do now. I’m not one for summer camps, I never did them with my oldest son, perhaps as it was only […]

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Time out…

Yes, mothers out there like me, looking to keep the little ones busy, this website has great tips and plenty to read on parenting. Have a look: http://www.onefamily.ie 10 Ways to Make the Most of School Breaks Time off: If you work outside of the home, […]

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Back to life, Back to reality….

It’s hard to believe I have finished my year studying.  Where exactly does time go? If anyone feels they can’t do something new, try it first and then see.  For me, everything fell into place so I was meant to do this course. My last […]

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I Can and I Will

Am I there yet?

I feel I’ve forgotten what having spare time is since beginning college.  My blog hasn’t been updated in so long so here I am, doing just that.  I am now halfway through my course to be a Further Education teacher.  It has been a whirlwind […]

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Halloween fun

Well, now that Halloween is over and decorations are down, my five-year-old son wants to know can we put up Christmas decorations!  Although I have explained its too early for that, he says they are up in other places so why not at home?  You […]

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The Twins

Starting school….

After three weeks, they have settled into “big” school.  A few tears on day one from Connie while Sonny stomped in like Sergeant Major.  I knew he would love it and mix in without a hitch but my daughter was the opposite. Every morning I […]

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Farewell Summer, Hello new beginnings..

With the Summer quickly fading, I notice the dark nights creeping back in and I’m looking forward to getting back into some kind of routine in September.  I have realised over our Indian Summer how much I miss this type of weather.  After living away […]

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Yvonne Reddin

Mother knows best

I have been kept busy with Summer activities for the kids, in other words keeping the kids happy.  Summer camps can be expensive, especially when you have more than one child.  But, as Ireland has had a Summer this year, a very good one, its […]

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Sweet 16…..

So, what exactly is sweet about being 16?  I have a son who has just turned this difficult, transforming age.  I don’t think he has spoke a full sentence in about three years.  I have got used to the grunts and the glares and have […]

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