Hairdressing post

‘Hair’ there and everywhere….

Reluctantly after finishing school at seventeen, I began a hairdressing career. It was 1988.  Although I had already started working part-time at the age of fourteen.  My mother constantly said to us, “You need to have a trade when you leave school.”  My sister had […]

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emoji photo

Emojis or no emojis – that is the question

We know that pictures or images can tell a story without any words and can work very effectively in marketing.  What about emojis? Their origin began in…Yes, Japan, in the 1990s. The images were intended to add another level of self-expression to online subject matter.  […]

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Writing Tips

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph

When writing a descriptive paragraph remember to: Make sure that you choose a meaningful person, place or thing Introduce the person, place or thing you are describing Keep your reader interested in what they are reading Describe smells and tastes if you can 1/2. What […]

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Script graphic

Script Writing Tips and Tricks…

I put out a recent poll on Twitter asking people –       My answer to this is to write like you are speaking. It’s a different approach when writing online content in comparison to print publications.  Online content needs to be shorter in copy […]

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Lockdown pic

How will you Be Productive in the Lockdown?

We are in week two of our second Lockdown and how are people who are so used to being organised getting on? This must be hard in many professions where strategies and planning are an essential part of everyday business. I am an organised person […]

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Womens Inspire post

Pandemic Positivity and the Power of Community

As I opened my eyes this morning, I remembered that it was the beginning of our six week lockdown. Instead of crawling back under the covers, I jumped out of bed, full of optimism and a zest for the day ahead. I attended the Virtual […]

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First ladies Blog post

The ‘Chevaliére’ of the Round Table

The curtain creeps back. A podium stands still in the centre of the stage. The audience waits, afraid to draw a breath, the sound of silence. A man strides across the floor to the podium and the silence is broken. “Good morning and thank you……” […]

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Blog post

Ssh…It’s that time of the month…

Like many writers and journalists now, I feel compelled to write about the Tampax debate. It’s strange to see so much negativity around the now banned advertisement. Looking through the statistics of the 84 complaints – they were mostly women. I wanted to share an […]

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PPE blog post

PPE- Productive, Perspective, Educate

Throughout the pandemic, we have become accustomed to a lot of new terminology including PPE and relating that to the front line workers equipment. Instead to me it also means something else entirely, it means- Productive, Perspective, Educate. Productive- Most certainly, Perspective – I changed […]

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Social prescribing in Communities

Social Prescribing – Community at its best

At the moment the world is at a standstill, the words ‘Covid 19’ is part of everyday conversation.  It will be something that we the human race will talk about for a very long time when our lives return to normal. We have heard conversations […]

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Jackie, Connie and Yvonne

Alzheimer’s Disease: Dear Mam

Connie Reddin, from Ballybrack in Co Dublin, is a much loved wife, mother and grandmother. Five years ago, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Here, her daughter Yvonne writes a moving letter to Connie — one that her mother will never be able to read […]

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