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TV or Podcasts – Do you listen or watch your favourite series?

Whether you prefer watching your favourite series or listening to them, we are spoiled for choice in what is available to us and the style that a series is delivered.  The phenomenon that is podcasting has grown considerably and swiftly since the 1980s where it was originally called “audio blogging.” But its popularity became apparent around 2004 when iPods became a staple device to acquire and also the advancement of the internet and broadband services.

Acast Ireland has reported over 7.5m podcast listens every month in Ireland and increasing every year. Podcast popularity is growing at an astounding speed and has the benefit of a widespread, global reach at your fingertips.  You can still have all the elements and similarities of a TV show, without the visual distraction.  All you require from your audience and followers – is to listen.

So, how, and why should you begin one?

Firstly, you need a good topic and story to share. Here are some different forms of podcasting:

  • A narrative-style podcast where the podcasts tell the stories, whether it’s about people, businesses or brands.
  • Solo Podcast
  • Co-hosted podcast
  • Interview podcast
  • Panel podcast

There is a style of podcast for every listener and then it’s about marketing your podcast and getting your message/story out to a wider audience.  The next step is to network and showcase your podcast to the masses.  Join online groups and communities with a shared interest in your podcast topic.  Get noticed in your industry and become the ‘go to’ person on your subject. There are many online groups and communities, so get networking and grow your audience.  If you get noticed more, this can attract advertising – which means revenue for you.

Podcasts can be relatively straightforward to create and you are in control of all aspects of your series. You can monitor the editing process, scripting, the guests and most important – the topic.

The end goal is to get on someone’s favourite podcast list and this is how word spreads; that your series is the one to listen to. There is a lot of competition but if you get all the key elements in position, you can create a remarkable series.  If you produce a seamless experience for listeners, you will gain more positive feedback and loyal followers.

The higher your podcast ranks in the results pages, the more clicks your website will receive. So, your brand or product that you want to get noticed, will become more transparent to a whole new audience.

Most of all, it’s about having fun.  You are the presenter, the editor and the production manager of your show.

If you are comfortable hosting and talking about a topic you are passionate about and good at – your podcast will stand out. This platform will help you become more visible to the industry you want to target.

So, what are you waiting for – create the next big podcast that everyone is talking about. There’s always room for one more.

Posted in Community, Creative Content, job ventures, Networking, Productivity, Remote Working, Story Features.