Iceland experience

The Icelandic Experience

Before Covid, I had Iceland on a list of places I wanted to visit. I am a cold creature and an early morning person who enjoys sunrises from different locations but on doing my research, the sunrise in Reykjavik is 10 50 am in December. […]

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Swimming, Start Ups And Surviving It All…

As Dory says in Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming….” And that is exactly what many newcomers to sea swimming are continuing to do, well past the lockdowns and isolation periods of Covid 19. The sea has always been there, the sunrises and […]

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Ripple Effect pic

Just keep Swimming……

I was delighted to feature on Ripple Effect Ireland’s Instagram community page in a feature where they chat to sea swimmers from everywhere. 🙂   How do you feel when you have been for a sea swim? I feel delighted I did it, especially in […]

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Me and the Sea pic

Me and the Sea

My car is promptly parked and I hop out, backpack swung on my back with my flask tucked inside along with my swimming clothes.  The first thing I do is breathe in the fresh air. My ear pods are in and the radio on, I […]

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