"My novels come from within me; they are things I feel I want to do"

Roddy Doyle

If you have always wanted to write but unsure where to begin, this Creative Writing Course could be for you. Share that story and bring your characters to life.

Let's Write Now! Online Course

Join me online for some therapeutic and creative writing.
With our world turned upside down and social distancing part of every day life now, writers will find this remoteness an easier task.  Writers need quiet time for our imagination to unfold.  Our daily lives have changed dramatically now, giving us more time spent at home.
Let’s try and put down in words how we are feeling at this time.  Whether through short stories, poems, letters - any form of writing.  Some ideas for beginning to write could be to write letters to the front-line heroes if you wish especially if they are family members and you can’t see them face to face.
Every week I will have three writing prompts if you need help to start or just begin with whatever comes into your mind.  Let’s share our writing and find comfort in each other’s stories.
There is no need for any physical contact, you can send your writing to me via email and I will send you feedback if you would like it and also your consent to read the piece online.  We can do classes through zoom in  a group or one on one..
If you’re interested in joining this group, I’d love to hear from you,
Please get in contact for more details, Email
Let's Write Now Course
If you would any more information on the services I provide, please feel free to reach out and contact me